Nose Creek Watershed Partnership
The NCWP formed in 1998 to undertake joint watershed planning to address concerns regarding the future condition of Nose Creek and West Nose Creek.
Recent News & updates
Nose Creek Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Water Quality Model Project: Phase II Model Development
The project's Phase I: Model Scoping Study was completed in 2020. The current phase (Phase II) of the study is the initial development of the watershed-scale model. A modelling approach using four models (PCSWMM, SWAT, HEC-RAS, and EFDC) was identified and recommended to meet the objectives of the NCWP.
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation Supports Phase 2 of Nose Creek Watershed Partnership’s Water Quality Model
The Nose Creek Watershed Partnership (NCWP) is very pleased to announce it received a generous grant of $30K from the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation earlier this year. The NCWP was awarded the grant in support of Phase 2 of the Nose Creek Watershed Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Water Quality Model.
Partners / Supporters